Sponsors & Partners

Gateway Entertainment wishes to thank the following sponsors and partners for their generous contribution and support in making the production of VISION possible.

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Production Sponsor


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With Support From:

Patrons of VISION

Daniel & Karen Goh   EWLC
Jonathan and June Ow   Kee Kiang Peng
Wan Siu Khuan    

Friends of VISION

Linda & Lina Ho   Low Family
Robert Chew   ROJO (YCJF) leaders
Sutera Sanctuary Lodges Sdn Bhd   Thio Gim Hock
Alicia Goh   Amos & Samantha
B. Jeevan   Cheng Kim Meng & Cheng Huey Teng
Daniel Phua   Ej Seow
Fong Cheng Shiong   Growing Families International
Jack Hay   Joseph Wang
Karen and Andrew Lee   Leong Keng Wai
Michael Wee Liang Ee    
Aaron Sim Tze Vin   Andrew Mun
Asher & Wendy Eng   Chua Family
Daniel & Charissa Lee   Daniel Lim Soon Nee & Cindy Lee Lai Mun
David & Lai Gek Lee   Days of Elijah
Derrick & Gloria Neo's Team   Families in support of VISION
Fong Cheng Han   Fong Cheng Shiong
Hainanese Delicacy   Ivy Masterpiece Pte Ltd
Joanna Tham   KC Lee
Kingfisher Movers   Lim Ling Huey & Linda Yeo
Michael & Angela Leong   Mr & Mrs Jeffery & Ailynn Tan
Mr & Mrs Patrick Chew Kok Hua   Ong Tat Beng
Patrick Ng Guan Kiat   Peter Ong and Christina Tang
Portia & Yow Wen Liang   ROJO LTW family
Tan Karl Woon   Terry & Felicia Tan
Tiyo Chiat Haw & Shee Jiayuh Joyce    

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A Gateway Entertainment Production